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These are 2 pictures of the endometrium, or uterine lining, as seen under a microscope with special stains to highlight the cells, each with a bright purple nucleus. These pictures are substantially different: the one on the left has 2 simple round glands that look like “blue donuts”. The picture...

Covid-19 Vaccination and Pregnant Women Sep 24th, 2021

What’s a pregnant lady to do?? She wants the very best for her unborn baby. Yet, pregnant women are generally not included in pharmaceutical trials for new vaccines and new medications.  Waiting for reliable information on safety and efficacy can feel like an eternity; yet the baby has a due...

Gestational Surrogacy is Legal in NYS! Jul 27th, 2021

February 2021 saw a landmark event occur in NYS when commercial surrogacy became legal. Previously, NYS was one of only 3 states in which this form of family building had been illegal. The Child-Parent Security Act (CPSA) is the name of this new law in NYS that permits paid gestational...

Can You Really Measure How Many Eggs You Have? Mar 23rd, 2021

As eggs, or Oocytes, are microscopic, you cannot really determine how many you have. However, the immature egg cells secrete a hormone call AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) which can be measured and interpreted in the context of what is the average measure of this hormone for one’s age group.   Females are...

PCOS Feb 5th, 2021

  This is a very common hormonal condition that affects 3-8% of the female population. As you may already know, PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome; but it is a misnomer and it is time to change that!The term “Cyst” understandably conjures an image of a benign or malignant growth...

Lessons From COVID-19 Jan 10th, 2021

The Covid-19 Pandemic has affected every citizen of this world. It has been a highly contagious and highly virulent virus that has a mortality rate up to 10 times greater than the typical flu! In this post, we aim to highlight lessons we can learn from Covid-19 and how we...

HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) Oct 16th, 2020

Xray of Uterus and TubesHysterosalpingogram (Hystero-salpingo-gram) This is one test where a picture is worth a thousand words. As a Reproductive Endocrinologist, the information is priceless; as the patient, the procedure is a hassle, but certainly valuable when establishing the best long-term plan for conceiving. The tubes normally do not...

Egg Retrieval - How do they get those human eggs? Sep 28th, 2020

The eggs are microscopic, contained in dense ovarian tissue, buried deep inside the female pelvis. How could you possibly capture them in a 15 min procedure with an intravenous sedative? Most women wake up and say “Are you sure you got my eggs? I just fell asleep!”             The...

Fertility Ed 101 Aug 13th, 2020

When we hear the word fertility, what do we think? How much were we ever taught? How do we manage our own personal fertility questions? For most adults, the last formal education received on the topic of reproduction was in a middle school health class with a strong focus of...

Lowering Obstetrical Risk with IVF and Preimplantation Genetic Testing May 1st, 2020

It seems counterintuitive that a couple who has conceived easily, with a family of one or more children, could benefit from IVF.  While this is an uncommon event, it does happen that IVF can be a treatment for a couple with normal fertility but with an obstetrical complication or risk.  ...

Prenatal Genetic Screening - The Role of Expanded Carrier Screening (ECS) Apr 13th, 2020

Expanded carrier screening has become a widely used screening method to help identify the carriers of single-gene disorders. This genetic testing gives couples and individuals that are trying to conceive, the opportunity to screen for any autosomal recessive or X-linked genetic disorders that may pass onto their offspring. Before new...

Better Living: Avoiding Toxins Mar 30th, 2020

With over 80,000 registered chemicals in the United States, it is easy to imagine how we can come in contact with any of them throughout our daily lives. They can be found in anywhere from the air we breathe, to the food we eat, the water we drink, and even...

The Alphabet Soup of PGT PGD PGS Sep 19th, 2019

In the past 30 years, Embryo biopsy for genetic testing has evolved in extraordinary ways.  Embryo biopsy is used to assess for chromosomal normalcy and/or severe genetic diseases; this  has been a revolutionary accomplishment. The technique is performed by highly skilled embryologists using a laser microscope to make a pinhole...

Endometrial Biopsy: What to Expect Jun 11th, 2019

Let’s start with the basics. The endometrium is the soft fleshy lining tissue in the very central portion of the uterus. When it is well developed, by week 3 of your cycle, it makes secretions that can provide nutritional support to an embryo, and it makes certain adhesive molecules to...

IVF Meds; A Simplified Approach Jun 9th, 2019

Injectable medications for IVF sound alike, look alike, and can be very confusing! We are here to help at every step of the process.   You will have a full discussion of the medications with Dr. Moomjy, and you will have a full teaching session with her nurse, Diana.  Additionally,...

What is a Saline Sonogram? May 28th, 2019

What is a Saline Sonogram? A Saline Sonogram a most detailed assessment of the uterine cavity. Basic ultrasound can provide great information about the uterine muscle/uterine wall and about the ovaries. Basic ultrasound can easily identify uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and normal ovarian follicles. The uterine cavity is buried centrally...

What is an IUI? Apr 10th, 2019

IUI Procedure from Maureen Moomjy on Vimeo. What is an IUI? IUI is the abbreviation for Intrauterine Insemination. In reality it is two procedures. One for you as the patient and one for your partner. Fair enough right? On the day of a scheduled IUI, the partner provides a specimen...